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Posted by ikhyxpal on Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011 in

tools :
mozilla or goggle chrome
flash player
Cheat Engine 6.0

how to cheat level :
Open Pet Society
     Open Cheat engine
     Making a computer that changes color and choose your browser (if you choose firefox plugin-container and if you use google chrome choose the last option.
     Now uncheck the Cheat engine Writable
     And change Value type for Array of bytes
     Hex Box we C745B8000000008B50
     Come to the store and buy an apple
     We scan the Hex with First Scan button
     We will address, copy and paste this adress in the generator
     In the second box choose the generator that we currently Paw Points
     and then the level will want to have in the game.
     Click Generate, we will get a code window, select all and copy it
     Cheat Engine In we go to Tools / Auto Assemble, copy the generated code and then Execute
     Let's go and buy another apple Pet, Paw Point will give us that we had chosen ....
     steps by: zonadetrucos

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